En Montana, investigan una nueva y poderosa vacuna contra la tuberculosis

Un equipo de investigadores de Montana está jugando un papel clave en el desarrollo de una vacuna más efectiva contra la tuberculosis, una enfermedad infecciosa que ha matado a más personas que ninguna otra. La BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guérin), desarrollada en 1921, sigue siendo la única vacuna contra la tuberculosis (TB). Si bien tiene una eficacia […]

To Stop Fentanyl Deaths in Philadelphia, Knocking on Doors and Handing Out Overdose Kits

On a narrow street lined with row houses and an auto body shop in the Kensington neighborhood of North Philadelphia, Marsella Elie climbs a home’s front steps and knocks hard on the door. A middle-aged man appears with a wary look on his face. “Hello, sir, how are you doing today?” asked Elie, wearing a […]

Readers Speak Up About Women’s Health Issues, From Reproductive Care to Drinking

Letters to the Editor is a periodic feature. We welcome all comments and will publish a selection. We edit for length and clarity and require full names. Many readers responded to our data-driven coverage of how ethical and religious directives issued by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops affect care options at Catholic and Catholic-affiliated hospitals in the […]